Thursday, June 23, 2011

Something Real for the Fellas

So in the last blog I addressed the ladies, now its time for me to get at the fellas.

As we all know there is a difference between men and boys, sometimes fellas ya'll got shit so fucked up it makes no sense to you but you try to make it make sense to us. I will never understand that concept but whatever.

A man's job is to provide, protect, and profess. Those are ya'lls jobs. A female doesn't need you in her life she wants you in her life and if you wanna be there you should act like it. I understand the baby daddy/baby mama rules and all that good shit but what about being a  female's man and not just her boyfriend/baby daddy/ sugar daddy and so forth.

They say a good woman is hard to find and to be truthful I feel as if a good man is even harder. There are some good men out there and for all ya'll doing ya'll thing I am very proud. If you have children but provide for them you are a good man. You don't have to be with your child's mother to have a relationship with your child, you are a grown man with no obligations to anybody other then your child(ren). For women to use their children as pawns in their twisted games upset me horribly. So fellas when it comes to those kind of things I support ya'll 100%.

Women are emotional (and sometimes unstable) creatures. Men are not as emotional so its often hard to relate to us on a more personal level.

I don't condone abusing a woman whatsoever but I also feel that if a woman hits you like a man she deserves to be hit back. For a man to not put his hands on a female after everything she has ever done to you, kudos because you have excellent self control.

Most men like to holla 'I'm a grown ass man'  and thats cool if thats what it is, but don't claim to be something you arent. Men lie women lie, all people lie to an extent, but the severity of the lies depends on the respect you have for whomever you're dealing with. If you don't love a woman don't tell her you do. Again because women are emotional thats all they think with is their emotions.

Please feel free to comment and leave your opinion or anything you want to add.....

*Stay tuned for the next blog on cheating

1 comment:

  1. Hey,Hey! And to all you fellas that don't want to get your kids cause you don't want your baby mama to have any free time while you out ripping and running the streets...GET OVA YOURSELF! That child comes first and foremost respect your child and move past the b.s.! Also I can't stand it when a babydaddy don't want anything to do with their child until they get a new girl and decide to be Super Dad! Be there regardless cause the only one hurting in the end is your child and the only person they are going to resent is you!
