Friday, December 30, 2011

Thats Just My Baby Daddy/ Baby Mama

Well as ya'll know the preceding blogs where about women, men and the fact of cheating. Now I'm going to discuss the baby daddy/mama relationship from my perspective.

When a child is born to two people its truly a blessing from God. Some people have never known what a true family really is and never will know because they are unable to reproduce. Sometimes in life relationships don't always work out and when a child(ren) is involved it always makes things a little bit more complex.

Ladies often times we wanna talk shit about the father(s) of our children, myself included, when we are upset about something they did or didn't do. We have to first realize that the obligation is to the
child(ren), not to us. Its not up to them to provide for a weekly pedicures, our new hair do that we're trying to impress the next dude with, but to our child's needs and whatever wants in can turn provide. Women who abuse the system to support their own lifestyles piss me off. That money is called CHILD SUPPORT, to SUPPORT the CHILD not your trifling ass. Get it together. I also wanna discuss having another relationship and the new one being a part of your child(ren)'s life. If its a healthy permanent thing, then hey do ya thang. If it is not and just somebody who comes in bangs you when its convenient and leaves some money on the dresser and then goes home to his girl/wife, what are you thinking? That's not fair to you or your child.

Fellas, I understand that in this day and time the 'cool' thing to do is to leave your child on stuck. Fuck that!! Men you need to take responsibility for your child as much as their mother does. There are some men out here who do want to be an active part in their child(ren)'s lives but because the baby mama's have that 'if you re not with me or do what I want you to you can't partake in raising your child. Only when I need a sitter so I can go trickin with my girls' attitude. I know that makes it hard for you guys and is not fair to you or the child. Instead of being pissed off or running your mouth DO SOMETHING about it. Do you know if half of you guys had a legit job and a safe and stable environment for your child and went to file for joint custody/visitation you would get it. These courts don't want to prevent the responsible fathers from being fathers to their child(ren), they want you to do your damn part!

I guess what I'm trying to say is this, you can't change anybody who doesn't want to take an active part in changing. If your baby mother/baby father doesn't want to do right by your child(ren) then you can't make them. Regardless of hard it may seem or how much it hurts, GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Focus on your child and not another grown ass adult. In the end it is the children who will/have suffer/ed. Everybody wants that picture perfect family, some of us get it and then again some of us don't. If it was meant to be it will be if not you can't force it. So before you go to bad mouth your baby father or baby mother think about the part you play in all that. That's all I'm saying. Focus on your child(ren) because they are the ones who truly need and want you. It is possible to be a family without ya'll being in a relationship with one another. Stop being selfish and think about the ones who really matter!

So until next time.....

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