Sunday, January 1, 2012

Treust Issues

Well this is always a fun topic of conversation between any persons who have any kind of relationship. Especially in an intimate one. Relationships are based on a few key elements and since they seem so simple but are very complex.

I've found that no matter how simple a lie seems it never is simple.If one you lie about your age, you still lied. In my opinion nobody is 100% real. Sure you can say and believe 99% of what is said is real but there is still that 1% that is still untrue. When your partner lies to you about something so petty the likeliness of you really ever truly believing them again. What are you gonna do? Are you going to persecute somebody because they do what human nature does? I don't believe deceitfulness is acceptable on any level but things that are menial ('I'll be 29 this year' knowing your ass is 29 plus 3) is what it is. It isn't hurting but helping you to not feel so damn old!

When a person is in love judgement is often clouded because we never want to see any fault in the person that we are so in love/lust whatever. Everybody as a human being who is capable to process complete thought patterns to this caliber are capable of feeling euphoric about being in love. We all want those happy endings. So people really do have a clinical disease but fuck that, they can keep that craziness to their selves. In order to really love somebody you have to have trust. Not trust in another but trust in yourself.You have to trust yourself first to make the best decision for your children and yourself. If you have warning signs ya man/girl is a cheater and a liar but you still refuse to entertain that, you are just as guilty and put faith in another you didn't first put in yourself. I'm not saying its not gonna hurt anymore I'm just saying be pissed at yourself  first and foremost.You are the only person who truly knows whats best for you. Friends, family can offer advice from personal experience but they can not make your decision for you. The problem is we never listen to the logical proven facts we look at the emotional facts. If you can't trust somebody how can you earnestly allow that person to have you sexually, emotionally, mentally? You can't. The heart and head will always be conflict if you don't trust yourself.

What I'm saying is this: : LOVE YOURSELF for all that you are, UNDERSTAND that you are human TRUST yourself to do what is in your best interest. Don't expect anything from anybody without trusting that you know the appropriate response. If you don't have it for yourself ,  there will be nobody that will have it for you.

Until Next Time......

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